电影 维度之间



  • 片名:维度之间
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 主演:Fiona/Graham/Luke/Robinson/Sebastian/Deery/Stacey/Bernstein/
  • 导演:Virginia/Abramovich/
  • 年份:2020
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 类型:科幻/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-11 14:57
  • 简介:  BETWEEN WAVES is a science-fiction dramatic feature film about a woman's pursuit to join her missing lover by crossing into a parallel dimension. Even after his presumed death, Jamie continues to be visited by her lover Isaac, a quantum physicist, who pleads for her to join him in a parallel plane. Jamie follows a map and notebook Isaac m.77mi.cc left for her and embarks on a journey to the island of São Miguel in the Açores. At the center of the Atlantic Ocean, Jamie begins to untangle the truth of what really happened the night Isaac disappeared, learning that she had a greater part in it than she cares to remember. Burdened by a police investigation back home, and in turmoil about her choice to terminate her pregnancy, Jamie is haunted by Isaac's inter-dimensional visits as he persuades her to join him. Jamie hopes to get some clarity when Isaac's former research partner, Renata, shows up on the island to help. Does Renata believe Jamie or is she just after the notebook Isaac left behind? Straddling a fine line between enlightenment and madness, how far will Jamie go before she's in too deep?
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首页 电影 科幻片 维度之间


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  BETWEEN WAVES is a science-fiction dramatic feature film about a woman's pursuit to join her missing lover by crossing into a parallel dimension. Even after his presumed death, Jamie continues to be visited by her lover Isaac, a quantum physicist, who pleads for her to join him in a parallel plane. Jamie follows a map and notebook Isaac m.77mi.cc left for her and embarks on a journey to the island of São Miguel in the Açores. At the center of the Atlantic Ocean, Jamie begins to untangle the truth of what really happened the night Isaac disappeared, learning that she had a greater part in it than she cares to remember. Burdened by a police investigation back home, and in turmoil about her choice to terminate her pregnancy, Jamie is haunted by Isaac's inter-dimensional visits as he persuades her to join him. Jamie hopes to get some clarity when Isaac's former research partner, Renata, shows up on the island to help. Does Renata believe Jamie or is she just after the notebook Isaac left behind? Straddling a fine line between enlightenment and madness, how far will Jamie go before she's in too deep?


  • HD
    2.0 斯嘉丽·约翰逊/杰里米·麦克威廉姆斯/琳西·泰勒·麦凯/道基·麦康奈尔/凯文·麦卡林登/克里斯托弗·哈德克/安东尼娅·坎贝尔-休斯/保罗·布兰尼根/
  • HD
    3.0 太空潜航者(港)//星际过客(台)//旅客//乘客/
  • 正片
    10.0 悲天悯人/双枪杀手/
  • 正片
    3.0 King/Kong/Escapes/Ishir?/Honda/
  • 完结
    8.0 Tara/Moayedi/艾奇·罗伯逊/Daisuke/Tsuji/比利·巴瑞特/英迪娅·布朗/帕迪·荷兰/Cache/Vanderpuye/伊川东吾/Louis/Toghill/汤姆·库伦/马克斯·芬查姆/印第安·简·弗朗西斯/Aiyana/Goodfellow/艾萨克·赫斯利普/伊斯拉·约翰斯顿/斯坦利·莱恩/诺亚·比恩/迈克尔·哈尔尼/森尚子/伊莲娜·艾尔米纳斯/艾米莉·奥尔索斯/沙米尔·安德森/莫·巴艾尔/汤姆·布里特尼/黛比·坎贝尔/Talia/Cuomo/格什菲·法拉哈尼/
  • 正片
    2.0 The/Bottled/Fools/
  • 豆瓣高分
    7.0 变种特攻:天启灭世战(港)/X战警:启示录/
  • 豆瓣高分
    5.0 22世纪杀人网络2:决战未来(港)/骇客任务:重装上阵(台)/廿二世纪杀人网络2:决战未来/黑客帝国2/骇客帝国2/
  • 正片
    8.0 群落/群落:深空116号/
  • HD
    3.0 隔离区2:终端//隔离区2:航站/




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